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IceMelon IM
Increase the stickiness of your community by adding Instant Messaging functionality to your site. All that's needed is 1 line of HTML. No access to your database required.
IceMelon IM let's you create instant interaction among your community's members by allowing to send Instant Messages to one another. Don't let the big sites with their large development teams have all the fun. Studies have proven that embedded IM increases user retention. Incorporating IceMelon into your site is incredibly quick and simple. Just add 1 line of HTML to your footer (or wherever you want functionality embedded). Our service requires absolutely no access to your database. However, in its current version, your site will need to be member-based--e.g. social networking community, forum, etc. Check out an example below. Don't worry—the color scheme is customizable.
Take a deep breath of chi and sign up for this service now, because there's absolutely no reason not to. |